
Becoming a Life Change Artist7 Creative Skills to Reinvent Yourself at Any Stage of Life【電子書籍】[ Fred Mandell, Ph.D. ]





<p><strong><em>The Artist's Way</em> meets <em>What Color is Your Parachute?</em> in an innovative approach to reinventing yourself at any stage of life.</strong></p> <p>Leonardo da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, and Berthe Morisot are some of the most creative thinkers in history. What do these artists have in common with you? More than you think, if you're looking to tackle a major life transition. The skills these artists used to produce their masterpieces are the same abilities required to make successful shifts-whether it's finding a new career or a new purpose or calling in life.</p> <p>In <em>Becoming a Life Change Artist</em>, Fred Mandell and Kathleen Jordan share the groundbreaking approach made popular in their workshops across the country. There are seven key strengths that the most creative minds of history shared, and that anyone rethinking their future can cultivate to change their life effectively:<br /> *Preparing the brain to undertake creative work<br /> *Seeing the world and one's life from new perspectives<br /> *Using context to understand the facets of one's life<br /> *Embracing uncertainty<br /> *Taking risks<br /> *Collaborating<br /> *Applying discipline</p> <p>* As Mandell and Jordan illuminate, at its heart, making a major life change is a fluid process. But, armed with these seven key skills, anyone can overcome the bumps and obstacles effectively. With targeted exercises throughout, this is a book for all ages and stages-from those looking to transition to a new career to people embarking on retirement. <em>Becoming a Life Change Artist</em> sparks the luminous creativity that lies within each of us.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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